
Whether a fitness fanatic or looking to start your fitness journey, ABC Sports and Fitness is the best stop for everyone. They offer an inclusive range of classes from HITT and Bootcamp to Spin and everything in between. So whatever you’re looking for, ABC Sports and Fitness has a class for YOU!

We’ve been here 27 years, and we’re successful because we understand that going to the gym is part of your lifestyle. We all go through complete ups and downs in life; your gym is the only thing you can count on in all this. No sales tricks, no hidden fees, no big price cuts to get hundreds of members through the door.

The world around us has changed, so we have adapted! ABC Sports and Fitness 1’s priority is the safety of our members, so we now offer virtual and in-person programming.

ABC Sports and Fitness Group Training

ABC Sports and Fitness Group Training

Back to the swing of things may seem a little different, but we promise your result will be the same! They have made some new and important requirements by New York State mandates, and we ask that before you put on and grab your weights and head to ABC, we ask you to take a moment to review the new rules below.

Pre-booking: Members must pre-register for all INTERIOR classes online. It is to ensure that we can accurately track capacity by state mandates.

Social Distancing: To comply with social distancing practices. And also, each class member will have a station located 6 feet away. In addition, the class capacity will remain reduced, and you will remain asked to bring your towel, carpet, and water bottle.

ABC Sports and Fitness – Different Types of Fitness Programs

ABC Sports and Fitness - Different Types of Fitness Programs

ABC (Absolute Body Conditioning)- Participants will all begin on a SPIN bike during a 10-12 minute warm-up and a short ride. Then challenge your workout by moving through powerful, high-intensity workstations, including TRX suspension straps, kettles,

Medicine balls, lifts, free weights, rowers, and more time on the spinning bike. Guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping while burning important calories while you’re involved in intense body conditioning

Body By Barbell: This is a high-intensity strength and conditioning class centered on the bar. Using the bar to build strength while focusing on greater repetitions for conditioning. These movements will build muscle and burn fat and improve functional movements outside the gym.

BODY JOBS: A class mixed with intense and rapid bursts of exercise followed by periods of active recovery. This training increases heart rate while improving muscle tone and fat loss as a total body exercise focused on strength, balance, and posture.

BOOT CAMP – Develop speed, endurance, agility, and coordination with various exercises. The instructor may include an indoor running track, outdoor spaces, balls, benches, etc.

CHISEL – Complete training from top to bottom for those who want to improve their strength and flexibility. Use of bars, stability balls, weights, resistance bands, etc. And also a great class for those who just started their fitness regimen. Gentle yoga is recommended for all levels looking for a relaxing, relaxing, and restorative experience!

Greatest HIITs – A class with a combination of old-school lifting techniques mixed with new cardiovascular elements to create a new twist in strength training.

What is the Price at ABC Sports and Fitness



12-month commitment.

– OR –


For 12 Months Membership If Paid In Full

(Normal Value $288.88)


  • Cardio equipment
  • Circuit training machines
  • Fitness center for women
  • 2 indoor grass areas
  • Inland track
  • Boxing area
  • Free weight area
  • Private changing rooms with sauna and also showers
  • Discounted tanning
  • 12-month commitment; 30 days notice required to cancel


ABC Sports and Fitness is a locally owned and operated club. And Also, you will see the difference between what we care about and your health. In addition, you will feel and see the benefits of belonging to a smaller club.

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